Most kids, when looking for something to do, scroll through their phones or turn on Netflix. But not Ariella! She uses her spare time to write cards for people or make them a surprise batch of biscuits. Why? Just to let them know she is thinking of them and to put a smile on their face! Ariella is full of kindness and spunk, a young lady who gets involved and gives her all and ...

The P&F would like to wish everyone a fun and happy summer holidays. We are all in need of some rest and recharge after a busy Term 4! We鈥檇 also like to thank everyone for supporting our fundraising efforts, including the Carpark Raffle, the Primary School Concert VIP Ticket Raffle and the pop-up icy pole stall and refreshments table at the Primary School Concert. We had ...

Eliana is full of smiles! Her mere presence brings happiness and delight, with a cheeky enthusiasm that makes everyone鈥檚 day brighter. Eliana loves to draw. Give her some colours and beautiful flowers and intricate patterns will be formed by her creativity. Her favourite pastime is to splash about with her twin/best friend Matan, surely making quite a ruckus, revelling in the ...

Shira-Tal doesn鈥檛 lament being the middle child, instead she sees it as a bonus to have siblings who are older and wiser, as well as younger siblings who are cute and entertaining. For that is Shira-Tal鈥檚 attitude towards everything in life: seeing the positive and being happy and grateful for everything she has! Shira鈥檚 Bat Mitzvah was a winter wonderland; a pleasant change f ...

On the morning of Friday 3 December our Year 6 cohort, their loved ones and 69色情片 teachers gathered to celebrate this important rite of passage as our Year 6s get ready to farewell the Primary campus and prepare for high school next year. Following Mrs Bolton鈥檚 welcome to those gathered, Mr Lawrence gave his D鈥檝ar Torah before our excellent Scholarship Band performed an ...

On Thursday 2 December, right before pickup time, our Year 2 parents were treated to a spectacular art exhibition of their children鈥檚 vibrant and creative 2021 artwork. The Year 2 classrooms, transformed into an art gallery for several hours, buzzed with activity as students, teachers and Year 2 parents admired the creativity on display. Well done to our budding artists! ...

Chanukah is about the human spark that propels people to reach beyond their limitations and our students certainly embraced this philosophy in an outstanding performance to their families and friends on the evening of Wednesday 1 December at their end of the year concert. The menorah and its flames represent many different miracles and our Primary School children journeyed thr ...

Thank you to all the families that contributed to the Year 3 Mitzvah Day stationery drive. Our students excitedly handed over the stationery to Anita from Give Write when she came to talk to the students about who would benefit from this wonderful act of kindness. ...

On Tuesday 16 November, the Year 5 cohort went on a leadership excursion to the Swan Valley Activity Centre to experience the power of communication through solving problems. Together, they collaborated and collectively overcame difficult scenarios. Their final task was to build a large catapult using a minimum of equipment. Each of our Year 5s had a fun and meaningful day as ...

Welcome to our new Tzevet Gila, Yardena, Shoham, Eitan, Ori, Moty and Uriel, who arrived in Perth on the evening of Tuesday 23 November, having quarantined in Darwin for two weeks. We look forward to sharing an amazing 2022 with them! ...