Excitement at 69É«ÇéƬ There was quite some excitement at the High School this week, with the arrival of fire engines on two consecutive days. Happily no roaring flames were evident at any point and I even managed to wangle my first-ever photo with a firefighter. It only took two days for us to trace the source of the triggered smoke alarm – a nest of ants who had taken u ...

It has been great to see so many students getting straight back into school life in this, our first full week of Term 2. The weather was perfect for our cross country on Wednesday, and it was fabulous to witness those who ran their hearts out and were clearly working to beat their personal best. Others took the opportunity to chat with friends as they power-walked the course an ...

Meetings Mention ‘meetings’ to many people and they will sigh, groan or comment that meetings are a waste of time and that they wish they didn’t have to attend them. But every human encounter we have is effectively a meeting. Looking up a definition of the word clarified this for me - the sigh response probably relates to “an assembly of people for a particular purpose, espec ...

Lots of discussions … It has felt as though the past week has involved lots of discussion on issues that have emerged in the media. Some of these are seen as controversial, others less so, but I strongly believe that it’s always far more constructive to talk widely about these issues and involve as many people as possible in discussions than it is to ignore them. Internationa ...

For me, the past week has involved a lot of thinking about leadership. Walking my dog early this morning, I found myself wondering who is the leader in this particular relationship. After some consideration, I concluded that I am the leader on our walks, but that I sometimes nobly let her think that she is. I certainly know that I am the worrier of the two of us - I often worry ...

It has been a busy and exciting week at 69É«ÇéƬ. Board games club after school on Tuesday was a welcome distraction as the Primary School students enjoyed an enthusiastic session of Ticket to Ride, Settlers of Catan and Balderdash. On Wednesday afternoon, the Israeli Ambassador to Australia, Amir Maimon, visited 69É«ÇéƬ and spoke to High School students at a specia ...

I was accosted at the school gate the other morning by a Primary School student keen to thrash out why we are having such a big focus on our 69É«ÇéƬ values. He knew what our five values were (connectedness, curiosity, courage, excellence and integrity) but he let me know in no uncertain terms that he didn’t see why discussing them was necessary. Was it perhaps because I w ...

We’ve had a smooth start to the year and been happy to welcome a number of new students into our classes. Initial phone calls home have proved a delight, hearing about how impressed parents are with the Carmel welcome and the high-quality learning that started right from the beginning of the academic year. Although we know what a good job we do, it certainly is marvellous to he ...

Welcome back to 2023 and a brand-new school year. I hope you all had a fabulous break and enjoyed a restful time with family and friends in the sunshine. It was brilliant to be able to greet all the High School students at the gate on their first day this week – great to catch up with students from last year and to meet our newest recruits. We were very pleased to welcome many ...

I am so very proud of the Class of 2022 and I congratulate them for putting in the hard work necessary to produce these impressive results. Each student has shown such integrity and courage over recent years and for this they are to be commended.