Mazal tov to Dorot Carmel Tali (nee Myers, Class of 2012) and Jarryd Kleviansky (Class of 2006) on the occasion of their wedding, celebrated recently.ÌýMay their life together be filled with only brachot and happiness. ...

At the Valedictory Assembly on Friday 22 October, 69É«ÇéƬ Captains Jakey Parry and Aviya Solomon gave a powerful speech to those assembled. Jakey focused on the value of what he termed ‘The Carmel Bubble’ in preparing graduates for life outside of 69É«ÇéƬ while Aviya farewelled and thanked Principal Shula Lazar, recognised the supreme vision of Carmel’s founding fam ...

By Mrs Terri Spartalis

In Week 7, Year 7 students Ariel B and Hannah S and Year 8 Sacha R attended their fourth full-day session of the Young Writers Collective Program at Fremantle Literature Centre. The three students, along with students from a range of other schools, revelled in the opportunity to learn from engaging and inspiring fantasy author, Meg Caddy...

By Mr Chris Quelch

Carmel nominated two teams for the recent Statewide High School Ultimate Frisbee Championships: a combined Year 7/8 mixed junior team, and a combined Year 9/10 mixed senior team.
Both junior and senior teams made the grand final...

Recently Louis presented with great professionalism to the other Year 10s on a survey he did on garage doors. Louis visited several homes and recorded his observations, including door colour, speed and shape of remote controls, then compiled those results into graphs in his PowerPoint presentation. Our 10s had many questions for Louis at the end of his presentation, which he an ...

On the evening of Thursday 11 November, members of the Carmel community attended VAPA Night and were treated to a smorgasbord of visual and performing art delights. The evening kicked off with an exhibition of artworks, expertly displayed by Morah Leanne in the downstairs Kadima area, before everyone migrated to the theatre upstairs to watch bands, short plays, performances and ...

On Wednesday 10 November, Carmel held a special assembly with members of the Jewish Historical and Genealogical Society of Western Australia, where the winners of their Family History competition were announced. The essays submitted were of a very high quality and demonstrated outstanding writing skills. Mazal tov to the following students who received awards at the assembly: ...

The Year 8s went on a fantastic short three-day camping trip to the Bickley Valley region recently where they hiked, abseiled, mountain-biked, built rafts and learnt about wilderness survival, among other challenges, including setting up their tents, preparing and cooking meals and packing away after activities! See more photos of their activities on Facebook. ...

By Mr Paul Carter

Carmel entered a team of Year 5 and 6 students in the annual Touch Rugby Carnival at John XXIII on Thursday 11 November. Students played a mixed team format over seven games. A number of these players had trained conscientiously after school for several weeks prior so were well prepared for their encounters...

After researching our neighbouring countries, in Week 7 the Year 3s proudly set up a travel exhibition to showcase the countries they had learnt about. They amazed us with their posters, PowerPoints and traditional dances! ...