We love the poem our SRC delivered at the first High School Assembly of the year! Ìý It’s 2021 and a brand new year After a week of lockdown we are finally here Throughout the summer we travelled through our state Even without crossing borders it sure was great But then quarantine came along And it disturbed our song And with Spurling in PJs we knew something was wrong ...

Sunday 14 February was 69É«ÇéƬ's night of nights! On the banks of the Swan River with the Perth city skyline in the background, Carmel hosted its annual Year 11 and 12 student dinner dance at the Royal Perth Yacht Club. Students arrived at Matilda Bay looking incredible in their gowns and suits and, after many shoreline photos, were treated to canapés, followed by a two-c ...

Starting Year 7 is a big deal. On the first day back, our wonderful Tzevet spent recess getting to know our excited and slightly nervous Year 7 cohort, who will be the Class of 2026! We are so happy to see this cohort engaging in all the High School has to offer! ...

It was a very unique first day of the year at Carmel High School. Students arrived, masked up and eager to see all their friends 'in real life' after a week of learning remotely. We were delighted to have everyone back on campus, welcomed enthusiastically by our incredible SRC who skilfully enticed our returning student body through the gates with cake! Log in to Facebook to se ...

Our Year 6 Leadership Assembly was held this morning in the Sylvia and Harry Hoffman Hall, and what an honour it was to hear our 2021 committee members for Student Care and Wellbeing, Administration and Special Events, Environment and Sustainability and Judaica outline their plans for the year while at the podium with Mrs Bolton. After the committee members received their award ...

A very warm welcome to our new Kindy teacher Mrs Zoe Crane, who joins Morah Dionne teaching and nurturing in the ELC at Carmel Primary. Zoe has just completed her first week as part of the tight-knit Primary staff body. We're delighted to have you join us, Zoe, hope you settle in well and look forward to seeing you at the many special Kindy events and performances scheduled for ...

The view from the Primary School administration building today was special on Friday 12 February: on the one side, a veggie garden full of healthy greens, (just longing for Carmel Primary students' hands to tend them once Garden Club gets started next month!) and on the other, students in morning prayers bathed in the gentle sun-filtered light of the amphitheatre. As efficient ...

Our very excited new Kindies and Year 1 students had photos taken with their parents and siblings in Week 2 of the school term to mark their first week on campus at such important transition phases in their lives. Our nurturing ELC teaching staff welcomed their new students with open and loving arms, so excited to have everyone back in the fold. ...

Coming back to school can sometimes be tricky for our little people, especially after such a big break. Earlier this week, our Preps read the story ‘The Invisible String’ which reminds us we are never truly alone. As the Mum in the story explains, "People who love each other are always connected by a very special string made of love. Even though you cannot see it, you can feel ...

Our weekly Mothers’ group resumed on Wednesday 17 February when our Kidlets got straight back into it, learning all about Purim and making lots of noise with their Rashinim when they heard evil Haman’s name! Join us next Wednesday, 24 February, for yummy Hamantashim and don’t forget to come dressed up in your favourite dress up for Purim. Our sessions run every Wednesday at 8 ...