I wrote this Kesher piece below over a week ago. And, while the message is still relevant, I feel compelled to also write about the tragedies that have befallen our community in the past week. Even with the rich language of English, I am unequipped to convey how shattered and broken we feel, for the children, for the families, for Carmel. While there are no answers to the diff ...

Carmel English department was delighted to welcome Mrs Terri Spartalis into their ranks earlier this year to take on the role of teaching our Years 8 and 10 cohorts. For Terri, it was a ‘coming home’, of sorts, having attended Carmel as a student from Years 4 to 8. She also worked with the department’s Mr Jon O’Brien at Hale School for six years and, further consolidating her ...

Mazal tov to Year 10 student Josie N, whose poem entitled Twelfth Hole was chosen to be published in the Primo Lux poetry anthology, an annual publication featuring creative literature works by skilled young student communicators across WA and supported by WA Poets Inc. Tasked with writing a poem, the location being somewhere the writer often finds themselves and where “someth ...

Despite the initial heavy rain and thunder, nearly 300 people keenly attended the annual Carmel Business Breakfast on November 9, with keynote speaker Richard Goyder AO. Held in the spectacular State Reception Centre, the Perth city skyline provided the perfect backdrop for conversations that centred on post-pandemic opportunities and challenges. Chaired by Mr Malcolm McCusker ...

The Carmel community was deeply saddened and shocked to hear of the passing of alumnusÌýRussell Woolf. Russell was much liked when at CarmelÌýand we appreciated his return visits to address our community. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this incredibly sad time. Baruch dayan ha’emet. May Russell’s memory be for a blessing and his extended family know no more sorro ...

At the beginning of Term 4 our 2022 SRC introduced themselves in toe-tapping style! Log in to Facebook to see their video here. ...

Congratulations to Year 10 student Ashri F for being awarded the second place prize in the Scientific Communication category of the 2022 STAWA Science Talent Search competition. Ashri’s entry, ‘Why beans make you fart’ was a clever animation that used humour to communicate interesting science ideas. This is Ashri’s third successive win in the competition. ...

On Friday 22 October, we farewelled our Class of 2021 at their Valedictory Assembly, held this year on the Primary School campus. It was an event filled with emotion - including more than a few tears and lots of laughter - as the significance of our Year 12s ending their Carmel journey, watched on by their parents and relatives, played out. Those assembled saw reminders of each ...

On the eve of Valedictory, the Graduating Class of 2021 and their teachers enjoyed a Greatest Showman themed evening at their Valedictory Dinner as they shared memories and laughter over the amazing journey they’ve travelled together. A special shout out to the Year 12 parents for putting in the creativity, planning and hard yards behind the scenes to organise and pull off 'The ...

This term in Science the Year 8s are taking part in a pilot program coordinated by UWA's Emeritus Professor of Physics, Professor David Blair. The Einstein-First program introduces the contemporary conception of Physics at the earliest opportunities in the curriculum and is underpinned by fun and highly engaging activity-based learning. in Week 3, our students learnt about the ...