In November last year, we surveyed parents, students and staff of Carmel. These surveys are conducted each year and give us a good understanding of how the different groups within the community experience the School. It also provides a platform for staff, parents and students to give anonymous feedback. We had an excellent response rate to the survey and it yielded useful results that, when collated, allow us to identify patterns. These results, summarised below, were presented to staff at the January professional development session. The results have also been analysed by the Senior Management Team and used for planning purposes.

Any member of the community who wishes to have more information on the survey, its intention and results, is welcome to email Susanna Wills-Johnson.

Response rates:

  • Staff response rate: 60%
  • Parent response rate: 37.8%
    • Note: in the parent group, both parents are invited to respond.
  • Student response rate: 55.6%

Satisfaction rates:

  • Staff satisfaction rate: 73% (slight decrease on 2019)
  • Parent satisfaction rate: 76% (slight decrease on 2019)
  • Student satisfaction rate: 74% (slight increase on 2019)

Areas of greatest satisfaction:

  • Staff: team leadership, work/life balance, engagement, empowerment
  • Parents: learning environment, values and culture, engagement, transition
  • Students: reporting, school pride, helpful teachers, welcoming new students, positive connections with teachers

Areas identified for attention:

  • Staff: internal communications, equity
  • Parents: co-curricular, pastoral care, careers, decrease in student numbers
  • Students: behaviour management, students respecting students, equal treatment of students, a clean and tidy School

Planned action resulting from survey:

  • Introduction of new wellbeing program in high school
  • Support and training for staff in area of classroom and behaviour management
  • More regular updates to staff on relevant issues and decisions

Program of activities that bring classes and year levels together