We were very much looking forward to welcoming your children back to school tomorrow and we are sorry to have to wait another week until normal school commences.

The Premier announced that all schools are closed until Monday 8 February and that school holidays have been extended. However, we are committed to providing students with some learning resources for the coming week.

Due to the timing and the short notice period of the lockdown, teachers and students are not in possession of all the resources they need to learn online, as we did during lockdown in 2020. This has impacted the learning opportunities we can make available and we thank you for your understanding.

The information below details how each campus will run over the coming week.

Primary School

  • From Tuesday, students will receive daily emails from their teachers with age appropriate, optional tasks for the day.
  • If your child is unable to do these tasks, please don鈥檛 worry, they will not be disadvantaged upon returning to school.
  • Teachers will touch base over the week to learn more about your child and their learning needs prior to starting on-campus school.
  • ELC morning tea scheduled for Wednesday 3 February has been postponed until further notice.

High School students

  • High School students will commence online learning and are to follow their timetable on Seqta.
  • Year 12 students and Year 11s doing Year 12 subjects will commence online lessons tomorrow, Monday 1 February, with instructions received via email.
  • Years 7-11 classes will commence Tuesday, 2 February. Teachers will send instructions via email.
  • Year 7 parents will receive an additional email with instructions for Seqta and steps for online learning.
  • Wherever possible and appropriate, elective subject teachers will be in contact with students to supply activities and exercises in the first week.

Parent evenings

There were a number of parent evenings scheduled for this week.

  • Year 12 WACE information session will be postponed to Monday 8 February.
  • Year 7 Orientation will be postponed until Wednesday 10 February.

Year 11 and 12 Sioree

  • We do not have any information at this point as to whether this will go ahead. We will be in touch with information as it comes to hand.

Year 7 Camp

  • Our new Year 7 Outdoor Ed camp that was due to take place on Monday 8 February has been postponed until further notice.

Community BBQ

  • BBQ scheduled for Sunday 7 February has been postponed until further notice.

The Premier has said that there should be an update mid-week. If there are any changes or extensions to the lockdown we will communicate again.

We are grateful to the staff for being able to quickly adapt to these changing circumstances. We are also grateful to live in a community that is supportive of one another and understanding of the challenging nature of this announcement.

Stay home, stay safe, and we hope to see you in week 2.