Hebrew Camp - a report by the students of the best Year 12 Hebrew class 2023

Every year, students in Year 11 and 12 go on Hebrew Camp. The camp is part of the curriculum and aims to give students the opportunity to assimilate Hebrew through actions in Hebrew, conversations with their classmates and with the Hebrew staff and Tzevet.

The camp was only two days and focused on multiculturalism in Israel. The camp took place at the "Woodman Point" campsite near Fremantle and on the coastline. The location of the site was successful because of its proximity to the school, the pavilion where the group stayed was small and personal and served all its needs effectively.

All the activities of the camp were planned and delivered by the staff and Tzevet. The activities were related to the theme of the camp and were conveyed in an experiential and enriching way about the differences between the cultures - such as a cultural market where the students were exposed to the foods, music, and clothing of the various cultures. In addition, graduates of the Hebrew program from previous years joined in and delivered content and personal experiences relating to the Hebrew language and Israel.

One of the traditions of the camp is to do an activity chosen by the Year 12s. This year the students chose to do wakeboarding. The students, staff, and Shivi participated in the activity and learned how to skate with a water surfboard around the lake.

In conclusion, the camp fulfilled its goal of connecting the students to the Hebrew language and Israeli culture and was declared a success. We recommend that the younger classes invest in Hebrew classes and come to the Hebrew program to participate in this camp.

We would like to thank our teachers,听Miriam, Shivi, Mrs Heather Niss and the Tzevet for a wonderful and experiential camp.

诪讞谞讛 注讘专讬转

诪讗转: 转诇诪讬讚讬 诪讙诪转 注讘专讬转 讻讬转讛 讬"讘 讛诪讜砖诇诪转 转砖驻"讙

讘讻诇 砖谞讛 讬讜爪讗讬诐 转诇诪讬讚讬 讻讬转讜转 讬"讗 讜讬"讘 诇诪讞谞讛 注讘专讬转. 讛诪讞谞讛 讛讜讗 讞诇拽 诪转讜讻谞讬转听 讛诇讬诪讜讚讬诐 讜诪讟专转讜 诇转转 诇转诇诪讬讚讬诐 讗驻砖专讜转 诇讛讟诪讬注 讗转 讛注讘专讬转 注诇 讬讚讬 驻注讜诇讜转 讘注讘专讬转, 砖讬讞讜转 注诐 讞讘专讬讛诐 诇讻讬转讛 讜注诐 讛爪讜讜转 讛讬砖专讗诇讬.

讛诪讞谞讛 讗专讱 讬讜诪讬讬诐 讜讛讬讛 讘谞讜砖讗 专讘 转专讘讜转讬讜转 讘讬砖专讗诇. 讛诪讞谞讛 讛转拽讬讬诐 讘讗转专 讛诪讞谞讗讜转, "谞拽讜讚转 讜讜讚诪谉" 砖住诪讜讱 诇注讬讬专转 驻专讬诪谞讟诇 讜注诇 拽讜 讛讞讜祝. 讛诪讬拽讜诐 砖诇 讛讗转专 讛讜讗 诪讜爪诇讞 诪砖讜诐 拽专讘转讜 诇讘讬转 讛住驻专, 讛讘讬转谉 讘讜 砖讛转讛 讛拽讘讜爪讛 讛讬讛 拽讟谉 讜讗讬砖讬 讜砖讬诪砖 讻讬讗讜转 讗转 讻诇 爪讜专讻讬讛.

讗转 讻诇 驻注讜诇讜转 讛诪讞谞讛 转讬讻谞谞讜 诪专讗砖 讜讛注讘讬专讜 讛爪讜讜转. 讛驻注讜诇讜转 讛转拽砖专讜 诇谞讜砖讗 讛诪讞谞讛 讜讛注讘讬专讜 讘爪讜专讛 讞讜讜讬转讬转 讜诪注砖讬专讛 讗转 讛讛讘讚诇讬诐 讘讬谉 讛转专讘讜讬讜转 讛砖讜谞讜转. 讻讙讜谉 砖讜拽 注讚讜转 讘讜 讛转诇诪讬讚讬诐 谞讞砖驻讜 诇诪讗讻诇讬诐, 诪讜讝讬拽讛 讜诇讘讜砖 砖诇 讛注讚讜转 讛砖讜谞讜转. 讘谞讜住祝, 讘讜讙专讬诐 诪诪讙诪转 讛注讘专讬转 诪砖谞讬诐 拽讜讚诪讜转 讛爪讟专驻讜 讜讛注讘讬专讜 转讜讻谉 讜讞讜讜讬讜转 讗讬砖讬讜转 讛拽砖讜专讜转 诇砖驻讛 讛注讘专讬转 讜诇讬砖专讗诇.

讗讞转 讛诪住讜专讜转 砖诇 讛诪讞谞讛 讛讬谞讛 讬爪讬讗讛 诇驻注讬诇讜转 住驻讜专讟讬讘讬转 讗讜转讛 讘讜讞专讬诐 转诇诪讬讚讬 讻讬转讛 讬"讘. 讛砖谞讛 谞讘讞专讛 讛驻注讬诇讜转 讛讞诇拽转 诪讬诐 ((wakeboarding. 讛转诇诪讬讚讬诐, 讛爪讜讜转 讜砖讬讘讬 讛砖转转驻讜 讘驻注讬诇讜转 讜诇诪讚讜 讻讬爪讚 诇讛讞诇讬拽 注诐 讙诇砖谉 诪讬诐 诪住讘讬讘 诇讗讙诐. 讘转讜诐 讛砖注讛 讻诇 讛转诇诪讬讚讬诐 讛爪诇讬讞讜 诇讛砖诇讬诐 住讬讘讜讘 讘讗讙诐 讜讚讬讜讜讞讜 讻讬 讛讬讛 诪讛谞讛 诪讗讜讚.

诇住讬讻讜诐, 讛诪讞谞讛 讛讙砖讬诐 讗转 诪讟专转讜 讘讞讬讘讜专 讛转诇诪讬讚讬诐 诇砖驻讛 讛注讘专讬转 讜讛转专讘讜转 讛讬砖专讗诇讬转 讜讛讜讻专讝 讻讛爪诇讞讛. 讗谞讜 诪诪诇讬爪讬诐 诇讻讬转讜转 讛爪注讬专讜转 诇讛砖拽讬注 讘砖讬注讜专讬 讛注讘专讬转 讜诇讛讙讬注 诇诪讙诪转 讛注讘专讬转 注诇 诪谞转 诇讛砖转转祝 讘诪讞谞讛 讝讛.

讗谞讞谞讜 专讜爪讬诐 诇讛讜讚讜转 诇诪讜专讛 诪专讬诐, 砖讬讘讬, 讙讘专转 讛转'专 谞讬住 讜讛爪讜讜转 注诇 诪讞谞讛 谞驻诇讗 讜讞讜讜讬讬转讬.