Before school for the past two years, Louis G has proudly hoisted our three flags every morning then taken them down each afternoon, but he's been concerned that our Australian flag was too small. He wrote a letter to Vince Connelly MP (Member of Parliament for the City of Stirling), requesting a new Australian flag and was very excited to receive an invitation to pick up a new ...

On the evening of Tuesday 25 May,Ìýthe new Entrepreneurship Hub hosted parents, students and community members for the inaugural ‘Becoming Wealth Creators’ event.ÌýCouncillorÌýSueÌýMigdaleÌýintroduced fellow alumni Hilton Nathanson (Zooming in from London), who spoke on the importance of following through with one’s passion and doing something that you love. The students activelyÌýpa ...

Wednesday 19 May is National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) which is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcareÌýcentres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. N ...

On Sunday 2 May the second 2021 Schools Chess League tournament (the Central Zonal) was held at MountÌýLawley Primary School.ÌýFifty-threeÌýplayers from 12 different schoolsÌýparticipated, including Carmel,Ìýwith the competitionÌýbeingÌývery closely contested from both a school and individual player perspective.ÌýMazal tov toÌýDanielÌýL,Ìýwho won the individual contest!ÌýHis performance wa ...

Our Year 1s haveÌýbeen investigating light.ÌýTheyÌýexplored ways light travels through objects and howÌýtheyÌýcan mixÌýcoloursÌýto make newÌýcoloursÌýwhenÌýtheyÌýshine a torch onto them.ÌýInÌýmaths,Ìýthey’ve been learning about patterns.ÌýThis week, their investigation session focused on patterns and light. It’s a very exciting combination, igniting lots of curiosity.ÌýWe can see those neurons ...

Our First Aiders have been busy learning about important (and sometimes lifesaving) first aid skills every Thursday after school under the watchful eye ofÌýMrsÌýKezurer. They're eagerly awaiting a visit from St John Ambulance later in the year when they get to look inside a real ambulance!ÌýLog in to Facebook toÌýseeÌýmore photosÌýof our First Aiders.Ìý ...

The Year 6 students enjoyed an interesting excursion to the WA Maritime Museum on Tuesday 4 May. The students investigated five migrant stories by acting as curators. They looked at objects that represented a migrant’s journey and decided which objects they would choose to display. They then went on a journey around the museum to discover the story of an Italian migrant to West ...

On Wednesday 19 May some of our Year 5 and 6 studentsÌýattended theÌýIPSHA Performing Arts Festival held atÌýPenrhosÌýCollegeÌýand presented a song and danceÌýrepresenting our gratitude and thanks for all the good in our lives. Gratitude allows us to pause,Ìýnotice and appreciate the things that we often take for granted.ÌýÌý The students sang a song calledÌýTodahÌýand danced to a fantas ...

By Rebecca, Annael, Hila andÌýRoyieÌýOn Sunday 2 May, Year 11 and 12 Hebrew students participated in the annual Hebrew Camp. We departed from School to spend the morning wakeboarding at Perth Wake Park. We then returned to the campsite for an afternoon of fun activities and were joined by Year 10 Hebrew students for a ‘Survival’ program with theÌýTzevet. After enjoying a delicious ...

On Thursday 27 May, the Year 2 Torah Enrichment class students were excited to receiveÌýtheir very first ChumashÌýfromÌýMrÌýLawrence at their Kabbalat Chumash ceremony.ÌýThrough song and educationalÌýgamesÌýthe studentsÌýshowedÌýtheir proud parentsÌýthe knowledge and skills they’ve picked upÌýover the last three and a half years.ÌýMazal TovÌýto our amazingÌýYear 2sÌýand a special thanks to Mo ...